November 13, 2010

Episode 182

THOOM! and Courtney review Thor 183 v1 (Marvel Comics,1970)



Mike Myers said...

My thoughts on Deadpool. Absolutely hate him but I did enjoy him in Doomwar and hear is why it made sense to me. T'Challa could not think of a way to out think Doom on the Chess board. He needed an X factor to throw things into chaos where he could gain control of the chess board. Doom would have never guessed T'Challa to hire Deadpool so this is what was needed.

XantesFire said...

Hey, it s clean. First time I heard it, the first 5-10 minutes had background music covering the talking.

Back in 60's in Europe there are places that would look centuries old due to either tradition or isolation, both sound like the perfect reasonings for Doom to keep Latvia old looking. There are still places like that.

In a What If...? comic, Thor died and Odin bought him back from Hela for one of his eyes.

How can you doubt the popularity of Spider-Man?

Hey the wings could work.