May 23, 2008

Episode 13: It's An M. Night Sham, Man...


T Mafia said...

Stereotypes are funny.

Also funny is that the second match you get if you Google "Graham Wellington" is a hate group's website accusing that PSA of "slander" against white people!

On the plus side, at least they posted the video.

XantesFire said...

They removed that PSA cause it was too rascist? That's absurd, they were using obvious stereotypes to show racism is occurring, not to promote it.

You're right about 6th sense being boring that's why I missed the part of Bruce Willis talking to the mom while she was asleep. Plus the two lesbians feeling each other up a few seats to my left. I only started really paying attention when they stopped playing with each other when the first ghost was seen.

Are you sure The Happening is about plants and not a remake of What's Happening? That's why the black guy is smiling, Rerun's dancing. And everyone keeps disappearing to Shirley's Soda Shop.

XantesFire said...

Cause then for the person renting out the apartment to make sure the person calling was a non-white he would have to meet them in person. And the investigator probably doesn't have time for that nor time in a time limited PSA to show that.

Again, the PSA is showing obvious stereotypes not to promote racism but to show it occurring. Does a anti-drinking and driving commercial promote drinking and driving by showing drinking and driving?

Funniest PSA I ever seen.